Hunterdon Arrowhead District

Serving all of Hunterdon County, New Jersey. 

Hunterdon Arrowhead District uses three Google Groups where anyone can post and receive Scouting related announcements and discuss topics. They are private; you must subscribe and be approved to see and send messages. That means its impossible for outside spam to get in.

Please keep postings on topic. While the groups are not moderated – that is, everything you post immediately goes to everyone on the list – if someone abuses the privilege, we have the right to remove your ability to post.

Sign up now for any or all lists to stay informed.  You do not have to have a Google login; any email address will work. It doesn’t have to be a “Gmail” address, and you don’t have to use it for anything else but these groups. Click the button for your program below to get started.

Hunterdon Arrowhead District Roundtable Cancellation Alerts

In addition to the email groups we also have a Text Message (SMS) service to notify you when a Round Table needs to be cancelled or relocated (e.g., in case of a snow storm). To sign up for this service:

  • use the phone you wish notified
  • open your text messaging app
  • send the message @HADRT (don’t forget to include the ‘@’) to the number 81010 (Yes, I know it’s only 5 digits)
  • It will respond with a request for your name.
  • reply with your name
  • You’re in!

This service is anonymous. As administrator, all I see is your names, not your phone numbers.  And you can unsubscribe at any time.
We have a similar reminder service for the District Committee.  Follow the instructions above, but instead of @HADRT, send @wcchadc, instead.

HAD Monthly Roundtable

SECOND Wednesday of the month 7:30 PM via Zoom on even months and on odd months at the North Hunterdon Regional High School (NHHS) Cafeteria, 1445 State Route 31 South Annandale, NJ 08801. All Adult leaders are encouraged to come for free training and networking with your fellow scouters.

HAD Commissioner Staff Meeting

FIRST Sunday of the month at The Flemington/Raritan or via Zoom

HAD District Committee Meeting

FIRST Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM via Zoom.