Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops


The purpose of the ILST course is to teach Scouts with leadership positions about their new roles and how to most effectively reach success in that role.

Leadership training and the leadership experience is one of the most important aspects of Scouting. This course will give you tools to lead yourself and then lead others to reach common goals. Topics covered include Troop and organization, leadership actions such as creating a vision, goal setting, communication, planning, delegation, and the Scouting philosophy of servant leadership. Completion of ILST is required for Scouts who plan on attending the National Youth Leadership Training course (NYLT).
This course will be taught by youth who have completed NYLT as well as experienced adult leaders.

Light lunch is included.  Please note any dietary restrictions.  
Please bring a filled water bottle, a notebook, and a pen/pencil.

Participant Fee: $35
Registration open Dec 1st - Feb 25th

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